Weekly Wisdom: I’ll Tell You What’s Not Fair


As I continue to follow the Women in the Word series at She Reads Truth, I thought I’d share my thoughts from previous weeks’ stories. The story of Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, stood out to me as it was a great reminder of God’s sovereignty and that nothing, not even the cleverest human devised scheme, can deter God’s sovereign plan. In discussing Rebekah, the author opens her post with phrases that have been banned from her family vocabulary. When she mentioned the words “No fair!” being one of them, I was thinking that one should be at the top of my family list.

I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard my girls whine, “Why? That’s not fair!, when things aren’t going their way. It’s funny because when my kids say, “It’s not fair,” they’re not really standing up for justice but just complaining that things are not in their favor. As much as I like to be a good parent and survey the situation as fairly as I possibly can and patiently explain to my kids why things are the way they are, I agree with the author that sometimes they just need to learn to trust authority and be satisfied with “Because I said so.”

How many times have I failed to trust God and His promises

and chose to ignore His sovereignty?

Does this whole scenario remind you of your relationship with God? It sure does to me. How many times have I protested to God when things weren’t going my way? How many times have I failed to trust God and His promises and chose to ignore His sovereignty? It made me think of the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16. The landowner invites men to work in his vineyard for an agreed amount of pay. At the end of the day, those who were hired later in the day receive the same amount of pay as those who were hired in the beginning of the day, which causes those who were hired first to complain about the unfairness of the situation. The landowner reminds them that they had agreed on the amount of pay and that he has the right to do what he wants with his own money.

In the same way, God is our sovereign creator and by His love and mercy, He has chosen to offer each one of us the gift of grace. We may accept that gift at different times in our lives, some of us sooner than others, but the resulting blessing is the same for all of us. We are saved by His grace and are given access to His eternal kingdom. It’s not about fairness, it’s about God’s unconditional love for His creation.

If we really want to talk about things not being fair,

let’s talk about Jesus Christ.

If we really want to talk about things not being fair, let’s talk about Jesus Christ. The perfect Lamb of God was sinless and yet He took on our sins. It says in 2 Corinthians 5:21, “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” He was perfectly obedient to God’s will, “obedient to death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8). And yet it says in Romans 8:17, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.” Now how is it fair that Jesus did all the work and we get to be “co-heirs” with Him! I don’t hear anyone protesting. I’d say it’s completely unfair but this is what God’s grace, love and mercy are all about.

Have a blessed rest of the week!

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6 thoughts on “Weekly Wisdom: I’ll Tell You What’s Not Fair

  1. God is a God of justice – but it is up to Him to extract that justice. We are to forgive – and let Him take it from there – but living “it’s not fair” leads to a victim mentality. You are right – it should be on the top of the Words Not Allowed list. One word on my list for my family is the word “Bored” (LOL). I love what you did with the words – that in comparison to the one who died for our sins – what do we have to complain about. God gave us the ability to make grace out of unfairness! I so enjoyed coming by and reading your post!!!

  2. Wow! As I read your final paragraph I had an Ah Ha! moment. I never thought about that; the way you explained the “unfairness” of Jesus death so that we might have life and be called children of God.

    What a wonderful illustration for our children and to us as adults when we are tempted to see, “That’s not fair!”

    Thanks for sharing your insight!

  3. Hi. I’m your neighbor over at Fellowship Fridays.

    This is really good. I think I need to print this off and re-read it over and over again. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. I look forward each week to read your posts. They always come from your heart, like you’ve reached deep down and pulled it out for us to see. It is real, it is pure, and above all, it is so inspirational. Thank you for that!

  5. What a thought-provoking and inspiring post. I catch myself sometimes ruminating on what seems fair and unfair. Yes, the Lord died for us – it seems unfair that He was sacrificed for us but we have life eternal because of it. Amen!

    Thanks for sharing and for linking up to the SHINEbloghop!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

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