My Favorite Things: Home Libraries

Images via Pinterest

Libraries have always felt like a place of refuge for me while at the same time awakening in me a sense of anticipation for endless possibilities. It is a haven away from the noise and chaos where silence is expected and appreciated. It’s been a longtime dream of mine to build a library in my own home that I can retreat to from time to time; a place for the body to find repose while letting the mind explore and journey to distant places by way of the written word. I also feel that there is nothing more aesthetically pleasing than an endless row of tomes of different colors and shapes placed in various coordinated positions. To know that these objects may potentially possess within them useful knowledge and life-changing wisdom make them that much more appealing. Above are a few of the home libraries that boast features that I appreciate and hope to someday soon incorporate into my own home library design. I’m not sure when that day will come but maybe if I wish it, it will come.