High on the Word: Christ’s Humility

Chrit's Humility

On this Good Friday, all I can think of is this passage that I go back to time and time again. This is the ultimate portrayal of Christ’s complete surrender to the Father’s will and selfless sacrifice for us all. If Christ, perfect and sinless in every way, humbled himself on the Cross in obedience to the Father, who am I, an undeserving sinner, to hold on to my human pride? All I can do is follow Christ’s example and surrender all to God.


Linking up with: Faith Filled Friday | Fellowship Friday

10 thoughts on “High on the Word: Christ’s Humility

  1. Amen! What a powerful question….”If Christ, perfect and sinless in every way, humbled himself on the Cross in obedience to the Father, who am I, an underserving sinner, to hold on to my human pride?”….Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  2. Pingback: Fellowship Fridays 18 & Easter - Christian Mommy Blogger

  3. Pingback: Weekly Wisdom – Ephesians 4:2 | Humility | My Rose Colored Shades

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