Weekly Wisdom: 5 Things to Remember When You Can’t Let Go (of Your Children)

words of wisdom, live by faith, children, milestones, Scripture, God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Bible

Milestones are something most of us look forward to, but when we finally reach them, they can be bittersweet, especially when it comes to our children. We find joy in seeing our children learn, grow and mature but at the same time, we feel sadness as we realize that they’re becoming more and more independent from us. As parents, especially as mothers, we want to keep them under our wings forever if we could.

As the school year begins and many of us are sending off our children on their first day of school, we’re celebrating different milestones; first day in kindergarten, first year in middle school, last year in high school, etc. Beneath the beam of pride is a heart that aches for the days of old. And it’s hard to let go. But we have to remember that we must surrender all to God, even our children. God has impressed upon my heart five truths that make it a little easier to let go of my grasp over His precious gift. Continue reading

Weekly Wisdom: He is the God Who Sees Me

Genesis 16:13, Hagar, Scripture, women in the bible, Old Testament, God, faith

As far as I can remember in my life, I’ve never been one to stand out. I am the younger sister to a firstborn son in a traditional Korean family, so my brother almost always got all the attention. I didn’t stand out for my looks, for my outgoing personality or for any exceptional talent. For a shy kid, I guess it didn’t make much of a difference, it was actually a relief. My nature was further reinforced by the fact that I was raised in the traditions of the Korean culture, where it was considered a virtue for women to be reticent and submissive, and to remain in the background.

I wanted to be heard, be seen and be noticed.

I wanted to matter and make a difference.

As I grew up and started to think for myself and to form my own opinions, I grew a desire to have a voice. I wanted to be heard, be seen and be noticed. I wanted to matter and make a difference. Continue reading

Weekly Wisdom: The Race of Your Life

God's Word, Scripture, faith, truth, wisdom, Hebrews 12

I confess, I have been out of focus lately, feeling a little out of sync, as if I’ve lost my sense of direction. I feel like a ship that has lost sight of the lighthouse and is being tossed around by the waves, slowly drifting away from its intended path. Ever since BSF ended in the beginning of this month, I have not been consistent with meditating on or digging deep into Scripture, and I feel the difference. Knowing how amazing it can be when I dwell in God’s Word, being able to discern His urgings more clearly, and experience Him working within and around me, there’s really no other place I’d rather be and all I want is to get back in God’s path. Just like Moses and the Israelites, I want to follow His cloud by day and His pillar of fire by night, and have a sense of direction as I live out my God-given purpose in this life. Continue reading