We live in a world where we are obsessed with our own safety and comfort and the safety and comfort of our loved ones. The size and luxuries of our homes, the conveniences of current technology, our retirement accounts, they’re all about our safety and comfort in the present and in the future. I am the first to admit that when I pray, I pray for the safety and comfort of my family and friends. I pray the same for myself. We all work hard and save as much as we can in order that we can have a safe, secure and comfortable future until we die. We do our best to try to avoid any kind of discomfort or inconvenience as much as we possibly can. Continue reading
Outfit Highlight: Holding on to Summer
Happy Monday, my friends!
I know a lot of us are ready for fall, especially fall fashion, but I have to say that I’m not in that camp yet. I’m holding on to summer for as long as I can. I’m not ready to let go of the carefree days of shorts, tees and flip flops! Knowing that we’ll have more than our fair share of cooler temperatures here in Michigan, I’m enjoying the warm days of summer down to the very last day. Continue reading
Weekly Wisdom: Am I Living by the Spirit?
I just finished reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and it was altogether eye-opening, challenging and convicting. His description of a lukewarm Christian and those that are Christ-obsessed really pushed me to do an introspective examination as well as evaluate how I’m living my life here on earth in light of eternity. Chan states that “the life of a lukewarm Christian wouldn’t look much different if they suddenly stopped believing in God.” And if I were to be completely honest with myself, aside from not going to church every Sunday and reading the Bible on a regular basis, not much else would change if I stopped believing in God. He really pushed me to evaluate all aspects of my life, and imagine how different it would look if I surrendered each and every part to God in order to live a life that is truly obedient to the Cross. Continue reading
Gone to the Beach
Recipe Highlight: Flat Iron Steak with Chimichurri Sauce
Although I often opt for lighter fare, like salads and simple pastas, in the summertime, I just can’t let summer go by without grilling a steak or two. One of my favorite cuts of beef is the flat iron steak. It’s tender, juicy, and easy to prepare. The flat iron steak can stand on its own with a generous sprinkle of salt and pepper but I always like to have it with a side of chimichurri sauce. I also throw in a few vegetables on the grill and they go perfectly with the chimichurri sauce as well. Ever since I tried the Grilled Skirt Steak Chimichurri at Nordstrom Cafe, I’ve been hooked on those giant grilled carrots and asparagus. Continue reading
Outfit Highlight: Something Old Something New
Happy Monday, my friends!
There was not an idle moment this past weekend. It was one of those non-stop on-the-go kind of weekends starting with lunch with girlfriends, a family birthday celebration, a church picnic and then dinner with friends. Although I was exhausted by the end, I’m not complaining. This is what life is all about, isn’t it?
This outfit, that I wore to a casual dinner with some friends, is a mixture of old and new items. I was so happy that I was able to pair something old with something new and make them look like they naturally go together. Continue reading
Weekly Wisdom: Apart from Him, We Can Do Nothing
I have had moments during service at church, especially during praise time, where I’ve felt touched and moved by the Holy Spirit in a personal way. I’ve shed tears of joy as I felt an overwhelming sense of God’s love for me. I’ve shed tears of gratitude as I’ve experienced God’s grace and mercy reach out to me in my personal struggles. For the first time, last Sunday, I felt moved by the Holy Spirit to feel burdened for my church. For the first time, I found myself weeping over the spiritual state of our congregation. I don’t write this in judgment as I, myself, am included in this body of believers. Continue reading
Outfit Highlight: Black, White and Olive
Happy Monday, my dear friends!
I’m sure you all agree that this summer is flying by. Most of me doesn’t want the summer to end, but there is a small part of me that longs for a more structured schedule that comes with the school season so that I can have a little more time to myself and this blog. I’m sure my wish will become reality before I know it. And then I’ll long for summer again, the grass is always greener…
One of the things I can rely on every season is this classic color palette. Black, white and olive have always been favorites of mine no matter which season I’m in. Continue reading